
Minggu, 07 Juli 2013

Theory of Planned Behavour

From Lecturing of Economic (LoE) Pascasarjana UGM,
Thusday, 2 July 2013

Theory of planned behaviour is using in marketing communication to influence behaviour, so someone can influence other people. Essence from this theory is rational and consistent with what we believe to be. Our beliefs give rise to attitudes that are consistent with the beliefs. Our attitudes give rise to intended ways of behaving that are consistent with thos attitudes. Our behavioural intentions give rise to overt behaviours that are consistent with our intentions. Likewise, our sense of social pressure and capacity to perfome the behaviour also influence what we intend to do, and how we utimately behave.

There are three kind of beliefs Behavioral beliefs describe what we think will result or happen if we perform a given behaviour (percieved consequences) and wheter we think each consequences is good or bad (evaluation).
--> What are the good thing of doing the behaviour? and what are the the bad thing of doing the bahaviour?

Normative beliefs describe what we thinkother people who are important to us think if we perform a given behaviour (percieve social pressure) and whether this important others themselves perform or do not perform the behaviour (percieved normality).
--> Whose are the people significant to you to approve or dissapprove behaviour?

Control beliefs describe our perseptions of whether we have the ability and opportunity to perform the behaviour (percieved self-efficacy).
--> What are the thing make it easier or difficult to do the behaviour?

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